How To Prepare For Your Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery is a safe and effective method of restoring your eyesight. To make the surgery go smoothly and to ensure a swift recovery, you should make sure that you are fully prepared for your surgery. Here are some tips to help you. Arrange transport Although there is no reason why you can't drive to the appointment, you will not be able to drive home. You should therefore make sure you have transport arranged — either someone else to drive you, or an alternative means of transport.
Could You Be at Risk from Glaucoma?
If you have a family history of eye problems or are unlucky enough to be suffering from diabetes, you should know how important it is to get a regular eye exam. You should be particularly aware of the risk associated with glaucoma, as this disease may have few symptoms until it gets to a very advanced stage. What should you be aware of, and what should you do next? Damaging the Optic Nerve
When Should You Visit an Optometrist?
Your sight is one of the most important senses that you should strive to keep healthy. Generally, if you were born with healthy eyesight, keeping it that way can be easy, particularly if you invest in the best diet and regular checkups. However, certain genetic and external factors can lead to eye complications. So it's essential to know the common signs of eye problems and consult with an optometrist as soon as they manifest.
5 Reasons to Visit a Children's Optometrist
Regular eye tests are important for both children and adults, but they are easy to forget about among all the stresses of parenthood. Here are five reasons why your child should have regular visits to a children's optometrist. 1. Children Need Good Vision to Succeed at School If your child cannot easily see the blackboard or whiteboard, it is difficult for them to work out what a teacher wants them to learn or do in the classroom.
Taking Care Of Your Eyes Right After Eye Surgery To Speed Up Recovery
Professional eye surgeons will focus not only on getting the eye surgery right but also on helping you with recovery after the procedure. Exactly how long the initial recovery period will last will depend on several factors, including the type of procedure and your general health. That said, eye surgeons provide several aids to help keep this recovery time to a minimum. Among these aids are the following. Eye Drops